Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Tidal Wave...

So we set off on a fine Sunday morning towards Hikkaduwa because the kids wanted to see the coral reef and have a go on the glass bottom boats...

I being sick and all that was not in the mood to go...but did I have a choice with the kids? NO!

Little did I know what lay ahead...

Just past Kalutara and almost close to Beruwala one peculiarity we noticed was that the sea level was really high...but then...none of us thought too much about it...

And just then all I remember was a HUGE wave that just came onto shore and water everywhere and then...nothing...I was speechless...frozen...freaked...

At that moment...I knew it...i was dead.

I saw bodies go floating by, vehicles, houses, trees and even boats...

All we could do was pray, and pray we did incessantly...

The water kept on rising, it started to fill up the van as well...by then the water was at least 4 and a half feet high...

After half an hour -- that felt like a few million lifetimes...the water receded...

But all over death, destruction, crying children, people...

It was horrible.

By the grace of Almighty Allah we were saved.

OH GOSH! Never thought I'd live to see another day...

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

The dragon lady from hell

She doesn't know me...she thinks she does...but she has it all wrong...

If she only stopped to understand me and accept me for who I am...things would be different!

But NO! I have become a figment of her imagination...or at least I'm supposed to take after that imaginary person she has in her head...BUT THAT'S NOT ME! Why on earth can't she understand that? HUH?

I'm trapped! I'm worse off than any criminal who's been sentenced for life at the worst prison ever!...

Trapped by all her rules and regulations and her NO's seem to close in on me wherever I go, whatever I do!

This has got to stop!

HELP! Please...

Monday, December 13, 2004




Friday, December 10, 2004

Of saris and things...

I started off today in such a bad mood assuming the rest of the gang hadn't turned up and boy was I pissed...it turned out they were taking refuge upstairs :)
Anyways Aru's plan to ditch the rest and go for a SALE - was stopped by me (which i regretted later) and from then on it was BUSY! BUSY! BUSY!
After much discussion a part of the gang finally went for the sale and gaped and gawked at all the pweety earrings and kurta tops (much favoured by the gang) and THEN reality bites!
"Girls! You are broke!" (Yuck! I hate hearing that)
Suddenly we realize we are late coz me and Aru have to get home, get our saris and go to get dressed (since we cannot simply wrap ourselves in the 6 yards or metres or whatever the standard length is of a bloody sari) and rushed home...
We were going for a convocation (NOTE: not ours)
After that things were a whirlwind...
When we go to the sari-dresser-person Aru realizes she in fact had NOT brought her sari blouse (SweetIdiot rolls around with much wicked laughter at the recollection)
And guess what? Aru substituted SweetIdiot's Lee tee for her sari blouse - temporarily that is - until she got home.
The best part was watching Aru trying her best to camouflage the fact that she had donned a tee shirt and a HUGE one at that! And the end result being Aru looking like 'lickle' SweetIdiot's mommy!
[Wicked grin!]

Aru - told ya I'd blog about this!

Monday, December 06, 2004

On Christmas...

Well...I was having a little chat with my 'Saturday' babies about Christmas and here are a few thoughts I'm sure I wasn't aware of...

Miss Five very confidently informed me that there was in fact no Santa...it was always someone else who dressed up like Santa. "He doesn't exist," she informed me...and she wasn't upset or anything.

Master Six too agreed with her and went on further to say that we usually had to buy our own Christmas gifts and give them to Santa (who wasn't really Santa - but someone dressed up like him) and he would deliver it to us on Christmas day.

Miss Six however being staunch believer in fairies and magic, did believe in a Santa Claus and vehemently denied her peers views on Santa and his existence...and she took pity on me and said that 'Santa is just like Jesus...he is around somewhere and he always knows what you want!'

AWWWWWW!!!! Ain't that CUTE?

Thursday, December 02, 2004

2004 tis the year of ze BLOG

2004: Nope! It ain't that year of the pig, the monkey or even the year of the BIG BAD MONSTER - It is the year of the BLOG!

So let the blogging continue :)

Note: seem to be in a bit of a weird-ass-hyper mood

Monday, November 29, 2004

Horrible beginnings - believe me you dont wanna know!

a bad start to a bad week...
just what i need on a stupid monday morning...
number one i just cannot work with incompetent people who screw up my show...and that is precisely what happened today...plus the bloody hierarchy breathing down my neck who insist that each and every story has to be read out to scores of them...tell me! how on earth am i supposed to that...singlehandedly?
do they understand? NO! it seems to be beyond their comprehension that i am in fact HUMAN!
want to just crawl up in a corner and cry....think i sound a bit pathetic now...damn SHIT! hate feeling like this...
all my defenses are down! feel yucky! shitty! beginning to doubt my capabilities!
i need OUT!

Friday, November 19, 2004

he he he! (wicked grin)



[wicked+naughty grin]


go figure!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

SO much for caring!


This is bloody absurd…I’m SO pissed! I mean, I want to literally scream! ARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean I don’t get it…why the hell can’t you give up the one thing someone asks for? What’s the problem? So many bloody excuses… I have cravings…I need it…I need time…I can’t just do it out of the blue…blah, blah, blah

I mean, if you ever set your mind to it…I’m sure there would be no problem at all…it’s just a matter of willpower. That’s all! But no! When it comes to this fucking thing…all the bloody defences drop and he is putty in its hands!

Whatever happened to I will do whatever I can to make you happy?

Plus…its not like I ask for zillions of things every fucking day! I don’t! I’m probably the last person who does so…and I ask for ONE thing…just ONE…and even that can’t be done…


Wednesday, November 10, 2004

On Sperm Competition...

OK! get this people...there now exists a "biologial sperm chastity belt"...

apparently this is nature's way of fighting back in response to the promiscuity of females... (ya right) well WE all know who is guilty of that :)


and this article im reading this morning gets even more interesting as it goes:

"Humans were midway between, suggesting that while women are nothing like as promiscuous as chimps, neither are they as faithful as gorillas."

OK!...i protest!...think im gonna go sue the bloody news agency that published this...

i mean...how dare they liken us gorgeous creatures to chimps and gorillas...im sure it was one of the opposite sex that wrote the article...knowing very well that he is fact an APE!


Monday, November 08, 2004

alright! starting to feel trapped again!...this is infuriating, upsetting, totally
unsettling, i just wish i didnt have to live under such constraints!i mean, i am at the ripe old age of 21 where i do have my rights! ive protested with this phrase many a time to have it just thrown back in my face by a certain maternal authority i detest at the moment.

i wish i could get out of this whole situation...i mean when you've had to live with this
whole bloody thing throughout my whole life...there comes a point when u cant just take
anymore shit! and i just know that ive come to that point where i just will not waste
anymore of my strength...but something in me will not give in either...its a do-or-die

and then...i discover that i've been shown the key to this barred door...its amazing how
things happen...but its just that im one of those who have not been gifted with that oh so virtuous gift of patience!...

so its a sorry state of affairs back at home base when all hell breaks loose...in a trying times...its a case of bitten lips and clenched knuckles till they turn absolutely white...because it takes everything i've got to hold back without lashing out ....it hurts to think that someone who's known you all their life doesnt actually know you at all... cannot even comprehend your simplest moves or emotions, let alone likes and dislikes...how is that even possible???? (a thought that very very frequently runs through my head)and the worst part is that i know how bad it can get...i know how it will be...

but still every time i get shit from HER...it upsets me to great degrees...and that bugs me to death!i just wish i could close my eyes and wish her away...because at this very moment in
time...it is she that stands in the way of my happines...the rest of my life...and i have decided!...i have decided that i will NOT let her rule my life anymore...she has had her fair share...she has ruled my life all these 21 years...and this time...its a HUGE decision im making...and im extremely googleplex positive that this is what i want for the rest of my life...i want him to share the rest of my life with me...and i am not going to let her get in the way of that!


anyways........lets talk about something more intriguing and much more interesting....its a funny though awesomely satisfying feeling... :)

i belong to someone wonderful...he makes me HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY...i have found my kindred spirit and he loves me as much as i love him [actually i think i love him more than he loves me ;) ]

but it feels official now after the last weeks happenings...and now all i can think of when
i see myself or him is: {ooh! ooh! ooh! im gonna be married} im thrilled to bits that ive found my soul mate, my ideal match...call it whatever you may...he is MINE and i intend to keep him for the rest of my life!

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..................... (an awesomely satisfied sigh...packed with happiness and love and mirth and heaps of things that i cant even begin to describe because words would not even begin to do justice to them)

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


alright! thats it! im sick and tired having to deal with incompetent people and am so bloody sick of having to shoulder the entire responsibilty of this whole bloody thing i have to day every bloody stupid morning...
its absurd...i have to slave like a bloody dog everyday in the morning...not a bloody soul is of any help...the little help i get just goes and mucks everything up in style...and then what really gets me pissed off is when bloody idiots come and use my computer...i mean MY computer and mess up all the stuff i have on it and refuse to even get up coz they are already in the middle of checking something out...do i care? NO!
its not like MY computer is only bloody computer in this office...!
and added to that...the gods are against me...the bloody net is trying to outdo the slowest snail in the world...as a resuls i have a stationery state on a webpage i am trying to refresh coz my superiors tell me that it is crucial that i carry the latest in the US presidential elections...
who the bloody hell cares who gets elected over there...whoever it is...its a bloody loser...and whatever they have planned our country is still highly screwed!

Saturday, October 23, 2004


hmmmmmmmmmm..........finally...i got to go out for coffee with my cuddlywuddly...
wish there were more times like this...

Friday, October 22, 2004

Its been donkey's years aint it

its been so long since i've blogged...and hmmmmmmmmm.........its been an interesting period...
but the horrid part is kitty the creature seems to have left me...that aint so good...it is rather upsetting as well... :( i miss my kitty da creature
the rest has been good...the play was awesome...and all that time i got to spend with my cuddlywuddly...YUMMY! :)
BUT these past few weeks have been a learning experience and i must it has been rather fascinating.
PLUS i can honestly vouch for this. prepare yourself...
Its awesome when you think about it. i know for a fact that i've definitely outgrown my mother and living with her...i know for a fact that i can actually support myself... (to some extent atleast)
its rather exciting to think that im actually considering things ive been totally freaked out by...
its a new semester for me...
its a new level at work for me...
and most awesomely...its a whole new experience for me...
cuddlywuddly just seems to make things so happy for me...its simply amazing!
but i reckon that ive still got loads more to grow up...incidents that have taken place in the very recent past indicate towards that inclination!
anyways thats it for now...pretty busy with academic work (yucky i sound nerdy now) will blog more later!

Thursday, October 21, 2004

i HATE her!

I loathe ex-girlfriends. I hate the way they make me feel. They throw me off balance. I wish I had a genie and just one solitary wish, that would do…I would make sure that she does not exist anymore…not ever! I despise her!

Why does she still have to be around? Why does she have to exist? Why can’t she turn into something so insignificant that she would appear to be almost invisible?
But NO! She is as large as life can get and smack right there in my face!

Damn her!

Saturday, September 18, 2004

me and my personality!

or at least...this is what some test that dearest darling cuddlywuddly did and i so did i follow suit and here are the results:

Brain Lateralization Test Results
Right Brain (64%) The right hemisphere is the visual, figurative, artistic, and intuitive side of the brain.
Left Brain (30%) The left hemisphere is the logical, articulate, assertive, and practical side of the brain
Are You Right or Left Brained?(word test)
personality tests by similarminds.com

Monday, September 13, 2004

extremely infuriating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

creature to blog: ok...i demand an explanation...and i mean a really good explanation!

blog to creature: er...watcha talking about? [smirks]

creature to blog: ADO..mey! [grins! recalling a very cute individual from whom she picked this up from]...i DID blog on this stupid thing on sunday...but lo and behold oh great blog [awesome sarcastic remark aint it?] it is not there

blog to creature: oh puleeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzz...! that aint my problem... [snort. snort. snort] im sure u didnt publish the damn thing properly

creature to blog: HMPF!... this is annoying...

final conclusion: creature thinks there is a
huge possibility that the BLOG is conspiring against little innocent her...she
will confide in the great big cuddlywuddly for guidance..until

Thursday, September 09, 2004

hypocrite = ME!

im going to sound extremely critical now...but its the way i feel now
its dum to say that i cant bring myself to imagine things that did happen...i should be ok with it ... DUH! but to think of it like THAT! its difficult...its weird...its not the easiest thing in the world to handle
and it gets worse, cuddlywuddly seems so distant now...maybe its my over-active imagination playing mean tricks on me...but oh i dont know...sigh!

creature does not even know why creature feels like this...all numb and unfeeling...but still feeling weird...like i dont have a hold on myself...dont know if i can bring myself to look at my cuddlywuddly... [sense of guilt and shame washes over]

just SO wish i hadnt anything like that,...but then...its a no-way out situation...i cant undo it...just wish...oh forget it...im pathetic...a loser...wasted! horrid!

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

time of revelation

every had one of those deep, dark secrets that were never meant for anyone's ears? i do...at least i did! its one of those secrets that one plans to never tell a soul...the take-it-to-the-grave sort of secret...but its been siphoned out of me...it feels like something has been wrought out of my soul...painful YES! but...yes there is a but
guess it feels better that cuddlywuddly knows...poor dearest cuddlywuddly probably didnt know what ground he was treading on when he did broach the subject quite innocently. but then...one revelation brings one more revelation...and each one tries to out-do the other...its like each revelation has the sole ambition to reign supreme
i as a cowardly rule do NOT deal with things i think i cant deal with. ive just learnt of things maybe i would rather have not known [coward! coward! coward!]
but then, i guess, sometimes its just easier to be in the dark than know all and deal with the entire thingbut this time its slightly different. its almost as if i want to deal with the entire brunt of it and i must say its quite fascinating. the fact that i havent even pursued the idea of running away from the entire situation in itself poses a number of questions in my very confused mind
however, it isnt as easy as it sounds!
[creature aint very good at dealing with things,
presently, its just way too much to digest,
BUT creature seems to be getting there.]

Monday, September 06, 2004

shitty aint it!

had a chat with a friend who i thought had a misunderstanding with me...and it turns out she thought i was pissed with her...and in the midst of sorting things out...it backfired and it looks like she still aint talking to me...


a friend is getting engaged...she tells me only today...and very bluntly puts it like this... "im getting engaged, but im not inviting u...will try taking you for a treat sometime..."
she has been my friend for donkey's years and she doesnt want me to be a part of her engagement? sob sob! sniff sniff!...thought i was more important...so much for me thinking that i was everything to my friends...just because i think of them like that!...
pish posh! ya!...

da kitty! :0

creature da kitty!
yep...its a kitty...he is so CUTE
and he is mine and cuddlywuddlys ...
aint that cute!

Saturday, September 04, 2004

barbie doll?????

ok....this is way too weird..but my kids. no no no, i dont have any kids...i mean the kids i teach...

well, anyways...they suddenly. out of the blue. in the middle of a very important lesson on the alphabet...promptly announce that 'aunty' looks JUST like a barbie doll!

u can imagine my shock and horror at being likened to that beastly doll! YUCKY!

tell me...! do i look anything like that dolll! [aghast] big boobs. non-existent waist. hips that could probably deliver two kids at the same time!...do i?

if i did...im telling u...i would be so hunched coz my boobs would be too heavy for me!

[grin]...that would infact look too funny...

[creature rolls around in uncontrollable laughter]

ok..this is too much... :) :) :)

my poor kids are only like half a decade old...so i didnt take out my wrath on them...

but if there is any other eejit who even remotely thinks that i resemble that ghastly doll...watch out buster! ur gonna be dead meat!

Friday, September 03, 2004

it gets even worse :(

im hurt! utterly and truly hurt! everyone who i thought was my friend...they dont seem to be my friends anymore...
for one utterly stupid reason everyone seems to not approve of what im doing and stuff...its not their shit to decide! its mine! i never thought that they could be this horrid. i mean, ive never been like this with them
so i guess its true that at the end of the day all u have is urself...but im very close to my friends...but this lot! i never even thought this was possible
it hurts like hell...why? im not the loner type...i need my friends! and right now i feel very very small and alone...very very unhappy! i wish i could change thngs...but at least now i know what they can be like...
i hate this part about me. the part that hurts so easily, the shit part that depends on friends for everything and gives everything ive got and the one fine day ive woken up to a world where im the shit bucket! feel like one actually...
i dont feel sorry for myself...im just so disappointed with life sometimes...my ups and downs are like so frequent...things are always awesomely GOOD for me....or horridly horrible.
oh well! shit happens ya! but hate feeling this down! :(

Thursday, September 02, 2004


it hurts when the people you've know all your life never get u. it hurts even more when they think of you as the most horrible things you can imagine.
yesterday, mother dearest accused me of a million things i never thought she would even remotely attach to me. its upsetting, it hurts.
ive never been able to understand something. how come my mother knows me so well, but can never understand where im coming from? how is that humanely possible?
on a different note though:
my cuddlywuddly is too good to be true :) i think he is the only person who actually understands me...its either that...or he is so smitten by me...that he is utterly and hopelessly prejudiced... ;)

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

just a wee bit scary...

today was good...BUT...yes there is but...
i as usual had to go screw things up...expressed my feeling about how i thuoght i was making things worse for cuddlywuddly at work...and he looked pissed! and i never ever wanted to make him angry...it was just a wee bit scary...the thought of him angry with me... :( but then it didnt last for long...but then...i dunno!...dont ever ever want him to be angry with me... (there i go repeating myself again)
im also very thrilled today...he loves me!...he said SO!...

Monday, August 30, 2004

never did i think that i would blog...but here i am blogging away my days happenings...and all thanks to my cuddlywuddly! :)

im happy today...happy happy happy...things are going awesomely for me...finally have everything i need...at least it feels that way...im content! sigh! (a happy one)

its so so so bloody amazing the way cuddlywuddly just makes things so easy...i dont understand...and i will not strive to understand...

im just thankful me have my cuddlywuddly ... an NO! im not sharing!

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Ouch ouch and ouch again!

yes yes i know there is a first time for everything but really! today i couldve done without a very painful and i mean PAINFUL first time experience!But did i have a choice? no! thanks to yours truly who will begin to appear on the idiot box from tomorrow, and as per a makeup artist's instructions i headed to a salon to get my eyebrow's plucked!

i mean come on! my eyebrows are nice, i know they are...i see no need to do anything wit them. but then! NO CHOICE YA!i warned the woman at the salon that id never ever 'done' my eyebrows before! and then this gleam in her eyes appeared and i knew i was doomed.she had a piece of thread in her mouth and the other end in her hand twisted it and took her first swipe and did i not want to scream except for the fact that a million other people were around and i didnt want to create a sceneand many more swipes followed.

now is the time to take those tissues out coz i know u feel sorry for me coz u know, the mere thought of a few hairs on your eyebrows being simply pulled out unmercilessly is heartrending especially when i must confess that i did shed quite a few tears in painand its over now and do i see any difference now? NO! just a few hairs missing on my eyebrows! ok ok ok alright! maybe there is some shape to my eyebrows! but then!...

Saturday, August 28, 2004

hmmm...pretty good time at work actually :) All, and i do mean ALL my stories were GOOD ones...
i like my work and what i do!...
im happy happy happy!
everything is good now! keeping everything crossed though...dont want a single thing to change in my life, unless it is for the better! this im totally serious about.
it's amazing isnt it the way people complain about how this is not right and that is not right! hell i do too...but you know, it aint that bad
trust me on that! you will always always find the silver lining in your gloomy, yucky cloud.
im a BIG believer in this, because i just know!
ok (turning all shades of purple now!)
gotta go read the news of the hour! :)

just for u :)

Roses are blue, the violets are blue too
but when i'm with u
I never feel blue!

:) :) :)

Friday, August 20, 2004

Knock knock

Blogger blogger....testing 1-2-3....work you moron, work!