Saturday, October 23, 2004


hmmmmmmmmmm..........finally...i got to go out for coffee with my cuddlywuddly...
wish there were more times like this...

Friday, October 22, 2004

Its been donkey's years aint it

its been so long since i've blogged...and hmmmmmmmmm.........its been an interesting period...
but the horrid part is kitty the creature seems to have left me...that aint so is rather upsetting as well... :( i miss my kitty da creature
the rest has been good...the play was awesome...and all that time i got to spend with my cuddlywuddly...YUMMY! :)
BUT these past few weeks have been a learning experience and i must it has been rather fascinating.
PLUS i can honestly vouch for this. prepare yourself...
Its awesome when you think about it. i know for a fact that i've definitely outgrown my mother and living with her...i know for a fact that i can actually support myself... (to some extent atleast)
its rather exciting to think that im actually considering things ive been totally freaked out by...
its a new semester for me...
its a new level at work for me...
and most awesomely...its a whole new experience for me...
cuddlywuddly just seems to make things so happy for me...its simply amazing!
but i reckon that ive still got loads more to grow up...incidents that have taken place in the very recent past indicate towards that inclination!
anyways thats it for now...pretty busy with academic work (yucky i sound nerdy now) will blog more later!

Thursday, October 21, 2004

i HATE her!

I loathe ex-girlfriends. I hate the way they make me feel. They throw me off balance. I wish I had a genie and just one solitary wish, that would do…I would make sure that she does not exist anymore…not ever! I despise her!

Why does she still have to be around? Why does she have to exist? Why can’t she turn into something so insignificant that she would appear to be almost invisible?
But NO! She is as large as life can get and smack right there in my face!

Damn her!