Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Here is a little excerpt from Charlotte Gray by Sebastian Faulks which I happen to be reading these days. I feel that it has captured precisely something that I have been unable to put into words:

I couldn’t make you feel what I feel for him. I can only say that what I’m doing seems quite rational. I suppose at some stage you make decisions, you have to decide what seems important to you, what seems valuable. It may be for a practical reason as much as for an idealistic reason. It’s a judgement. I don’t believe in a general idea, I just believe in one particular man. I believe in the purity of feeling that I have for him and that I believe he has for me. I think its force is superior to that of any other guiding force…and if that love reflects susceptibility on my part, if he has somehow exploited a weakness or a wound in me, so be it. There’s nothing I can do about it; that’s who I am. To behave or believe otherwise would be dishonest.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

A tribute to my school days...

The end of my academic studies – at least my degree – looms temptingly a few months ahead…and I’m enticed to just throw in the towel and break FREE!

It’s been three years of studies, sleepless nights, endless fights, friends made, friends lost…looking back…three years ago…Wowee…life has changed so, so much…it is unbelievable.

It’s so weird because it feels like just a short time ago - in school, my friends and I were sitting around and having a good gossip session and the conversation steered to what would be doing in a few years time…and NOW here we are…and this is what we are doing…the saddest part is that all of us are so far apart…if only we could’ve stayed together…

It’s true that the friends you make in school are the only ones who will stay true to you…the rest just come along…but will always fall away…

I badly miss my school days…I loved going to school…I would never even think of staying back at home…the part about school I loved was going to school extra early so that our lot could just hang around the tuck shop and jabber and jabber and jabber till it was time for prayers…and still jabber…

I know I’ll never go back there… to my school days…but those are my favourite days of all time…

I’m here now – my eyes closed – wishing I was with my friends – sitting around and jabbering about – where will I be in the next few years…

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


I'm on the go...

hey, hey, hey...following a mysterious phone call claiming that there was a parcel in my name that simply had to be colllected on the said day before a given time...the clause being that if i failed...i would be relinquished of all rights to it: so made my way to a certain 5-star was my uncle...on a surprise vist with ... yes... a drumroll please... ;) Thank you! [clears throat] was a "LAPTOP" just for 'lil ol me...

I am SO thrilled with it... :)

YAY! YAY! YAY! WOOPEE! I've got a, na, na, na, na! :D

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Trials and tribulations of the famous

"Hi! After a long time huh? How you doing?" - that; coming from a guy I've never seen in my life!

"My! so read news no...hallo hallo! she's my niece?" - Irately annoyingly overstuffed relation

At a recent prize giving....the photographer claims... "Very good! very good! You're improving! I watching you everday!"

The most hilarious is the following incident that took place a wedding recently:

BM: Hi! How are you ah?
Moi: Er...[cringe...cringe] Ok... [smile] you er...know me? [flashes bright smile]
BM: Ah! yes men...can't you remember me? I know you men...
Moi: Really? [gives it some though]...ok...but exactly do yo know me?
BM: What men? you're asking questions like that?...Don't you know me..???? HUH?Can't remember the?
Moi: [shrugs...obviously embarrassed]!
BM: I also can't're SO familiar...I KNOW YOU!...I just know it!

- In the background - Bridesmaids screaming -- "You Dodo! You...don't...know...her..."

Moi hears faint traces of 'she's on tv'...

I hastily...flashed a bright smile...and excused myself with some odd muttered excuse...