Friday, September 22, 2006

Wag thy tail at the Americans or get bombed!

So, the US ain't getting its own way - so it resorts to low down, 100 million metres undergound-like threats.

Bush issues an ultimatum; but he is so bloody scrawnily unnerved that he gets little Richie to go tell them Pakis that they just HAVE to join the fight against Al Qaeda or the big, bad US boys will bomb them poor defenseless Pakis outta existence! How about that? Shoot! Who died and made them lord of the world? It's interesting that the US sees themselves as Pakistan's governing country - I mean who the hell do they think they are to drive Pakistan into a corner and twist them arms of them Pakis. And the equally spineless Musharraf says, ya, ok - I have to do this - in the best interest of my country. Hell! Whaddya expect him to do - Let the bloody americans bomb them???

One day - someday - the entire world is going to be fighting the war of the millemium - and it'll be against them Americans!

I want to live to see the war.
I want to be there - I want to watch it!
Maybe I'll fight in it!
But I want to be reading the news that night and I want to be the news anchor saying it!

Sod off you bloody Americans! BAH!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


This was inspired by a shot of Tony Blair in some guy's shadow. Twas an awesomely cool picture. Can't seem to track it down. Dammit!


So, now I’m excessively hungry and keep wishing someone had stocked kitchen in my chicken. That way, I could’ve cooked some and maybe topped it with some chrilled greese. YUM! Not great in the ‘fat’ department, but hey cheggars can’t be boos[z]ers. [ha ha ha! i LOVE that!]
So now, I’ve gotta wait for my fellow employees’ punger hangs to strike; that’s the only thing that makes em move those lazy asses off their chairs.
I’d love to go on, but cuty dalls! Ta!
Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh....such are the tips of ze slung!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

just 200

And I never would've guessed!

Hi - A wee message from FlickrHQ:You have more than 200 photos in your photostream and you have a free account. That is excellent news, but, it does mean that you've hit one of the limits of your free account: only your most recent 200 photos will be displayed. May we draw your attention to the amazing benefits of a Flickr Pro account, and gently encourage you to upgrade your account?

So thanks to that...there will be no more additions on my flickr account!

Will post my pictures here - instead! HMPF!