Sunday, August 29, 2004

Ouch ouch and ouch again!

yes yes i know there is a first time for everything but really! today i couldve done without a very painful and i mean PAINFUL first time experience!But did i have a choice? no! thanks to yours truly who will begin to appear on the idiot box from tomorrow, and as per a makeup artist's instructions i headed to a salon to get my eyebrow's plucked!

i mean come on! my eyebrows are nice, i know they are...i see no need to do anything wit them. but then! NO CHOICE YA!i warned the woman at the salon that id never ever 'done' my eyebrows before! and then this gleam in her eyes appeared and i knew i was doomed.she had a piece of thread in her mouth and the other end in her hand twisted it and took her first swipe and did i not want to scream except for the fact that a million other people were around and i didnt want to create a sceneand many more swipes followed.

now is the time to take those tissues out coz i know u feel sorry for me coz u know, the mere thought of a few hairs on your eyebrows being simply pulled out unmercilessly is heartrending especially when i must confess that i did shed quite a few tears in painand its over now and do i see any difference now? NO! just a few hairs missing on my eyebrows! ok ok ok alright! maybe there is some shape to my eyebrows! but then!...

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