Friday, May 05, 2006

Bored, uninterested, world-weary...

Started off writing a post about peace, people's sad-ass attitudes to the entire 'situation in the country' and email forwards; as I was completely irked by an email I received about the MoD putting up a website to counter TamilNet - and then just thought it useless and deleted it.
I'm bored. I want something brand and shiningly new to do. I want something interesting to do, anything. I want to do an adventurous, selfish and supersedingly fun 'I'm-travelling-the-world-having-a-ball' kind of thing. Ideas?
See what I found.

1 comment:

Atticus said...

Yer. Feel kinda the same. Want to visit New Orleans, or Pondicherry, or Bahia. and buy a boat. Sigh.