So...suddenly out of the blue I'm utterly and totally confused. Sometimes its just indescribable the way things just happen and one finds oneself totally and utterly lost for words...trying to make sense out of the entire situation is just completely I do anything about it? No. It ain't my baby...but it still concerns me to the greatest of deals, worries me terribly...
Fathoming the situation right now is just beyond me reach. It's not as horrible as it sounds, it's just that sometimes one never expects things to happen within one's own sphere, and when it does, it is totally and freakily so, unsettling.
If this doesn't make sense, which it probably won't, worry not...I'm just using this as a vent - it be one of those issues you'd rather not discuss with anyone and everyone.
On the other hand, I went to one of the prettiest and awe-inspiring Geoffrey Bawa houses yesterday...[swoon!] I'd give anything to live in a house like that...will be posting pictures on flickr later on...So my evenining was coupled with the greatest of houses, friends and heaps and oodles of sushi - I'm feeling entirely in a good mood tinged with confusion. Did I mention how much I love sushi? YUMMMMMMMMMY!
Going now - heaps of things to do... :)