Sunday, November 19, 2006

Mondays SUCK!

You wake up late, only to find out that your neighbour who ALWAYS drops you off at work - for some god forsaken reason cannot drop you at work today! Your parents also refuse, your friend at work doesn't answer her phone and the bloody tuk-tuk buggers are on an overcharge high. So one just has to give in, as its just bloody awful standing on the road and wagging ones hand at every tuktuk passing by. Then when you finally get to work, the atmosphere isn't great, and you wonder if you've made the right choice with the job. But does go on...


Chamendra Wimalasena said...

hope the day gets better :D But seriously.. petrol prices went down :) u can ask them tuk tuks to stop charging so high!!

Uchi said...

and mostly the traffic is also high

Chamendra Wimalasena said...

Monday sucked and u never blogged again.. Do we assume monday sucked u out of the atmosphere and threw you into outer space :D

of a cuddlywuddly & a monstrously cute creature said...

Anonymous - no such luck aney...

Anonymous said...

i tried that one, about petrol prices going down and i was very seriously told that the spare parts are still the same so petrol prices going down doesn't make a it's "to hell with the tuk tuk shit heads, i'm going to walk"..;)