Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Baby Stuff

I'm a most things. I'm stubborn. Always want my own way. Will probably never, ever given in...I never stop to think before I act. It's always a case of suddenly realizing the end result...and that too, waaaaaaaaaaaaaay after the consequences have taken place.
I miss being a child. I never had so many decisions to make. At the most, I needed to decide between a car and a barbie doll [always chose the car - or sadistically chose the barbie doll and pulled her stupid little blonde head off!] Things were never this complicating. Sometimes, it's too much, too many, argh! Why me?
I hurt people without realizing it. I say things expecting too much out of people. I'm too much of a princess and expect everybody to fall in line with my life. It's tough, like this. I hate having responsibilities, obligations, things to remember, stuff I just HAVE to do, people depending on me [CWB this don't include you]
If only I could just close my eyes, make that wish and if only it would come true.

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